That article is totally biased and very misleading.
Brokeback Watchtower
JoinedPosts by Brokeback Watchtower
May 1 2018 my Ayahuasca Experience
by new boy init has been over a year and a half since my last ceremony.
which was way to long.
my son came up from scottsdale for the ceremony.
Brokeback Watchtower
Suggestions how to fade out/ changing congregation and loosing your files
by JustHuman14 ini wasn't so sure how to add title in this topic.
i went back to the borg, for family reasons and the concept was after a year or so to fade out.
i m into the fade out process now.
Brokeback Watchtower
JUST HUMAN- Just stop attending period. If you're not giving anyone account of your actions anyway- just totally go rogue and get off the JW /elder radar by not having any communication whatsoever with your former elders, congregation - anything ! No need to get a card from them or anything ! Like Paul Simon said in " 50 Ways to leave your lover " - " just drop off the key lee, and set yourself free ! " Easy as that.
Yes that! Well said Flip. I plainly told them all they can just go fuck themselves during a JC meeting letting them know they have no authority over me. I couldn't be any other way once I found out it was all bull shit.
Anyway that's where I'm coming from and I don't expect other to follow what I did, but the need for a more cautious leaving I recognize for our circumstances all are different. I'm all for diminishing as much control from this evil organization as possible in what ever way works best for the individual.
Suggestions how to fade out/ changing congregation and loosing your files
by JustHuman14 ini wasn't so sure how to add title in this topic.
i went back to the borg, for family reasons and the concept was after a year or so to fade out.
i m into the fade out process now.
Brokeback Watchtower
Just stop going. Live your life and do your own thing don't let this slimy mind control cult use up any more of your life.
Stop going and start living your own life the way you see fit, find out who you are away from any control by this willfully ignorant bunch of psychos called the Governing Body and their equally ignorant ass kissing yes men they surround themselves with.
To give meaning to one's life means a separation from comfortable herd mentality to find one's self and follow your DNA and become your most authentic self. Self Actualization, Wholeness, the works.
Metamotivation is a term coined by Abraham Maslow to describe the motivation of people who are self-actualized and striving beyond the scope of their basic needs to reach their full potential. Maslow suggested that people are initially motivated by a series of basic needs,[1] called the hierarchy of needs. Maslow states, "Self-actualizing people are gratified in all their basic needs (of belongingness, affection, respect, and self-esteem)".[2] Once a person has successfully navigated the hierarchy of needs thus satisfying all their basic needs, Maslow proposed they then travel "a path called growth motivation".[3]
Maslow believed that a distinction must be made between the motives of those who operate at or below the level of self-actualization (ones still striving for their basic needs, or ones who have met their basic needs but still live without purpose), and those who are self-actualized who are also with significant purpose, as their motivations differ significantly.[4] Deficiency needs (drives or D-needs) motivate people to satisfy physiological needs such as hunger, sex, love, whereas being needs (B-needs[5]) propel a person beyond self-actualization and drive them to fulfill their inherent ultimate potential.[6]
May 1 2018 my Ayahuasca Experience
by new boy init has been over a year and a half since my last ceremony.
which was way to long.
my son came up from scottsdale for the ceremony.
Brokeback Watchtower
I would like to say that Ayahuasca is drug as you say, but to many around the world who have tried it is a sacrament, and medicine. Call it placebo effect or whatever, people have been healed by it, and it is by no means a pleasuriable experience you get the shits(at least I did maybe once), you throw up, but seems to be cathartic that leads to some benefical changes for the good in many cases. This thing has been used as tribal medicines for many centuries by shamans. Many in the psychological community are interested in it just like other psychoactive substances.
But I see your point and will try to refrain from talking about alter states of consciousness from alcohol and other government restricted substances. But I have to honestly say it is going to be very hard I hope you can forgive the occasional mention of it from time to time.
Reaction to baptism figures
by neat blue dog intalking about tomorrow's wt study, that mentions over a quarter of a million baptized every year, a jw asked how many that is a day.
i got out my calculator and answered over 778 a day.
of course they were amazed at the growth, but immediatly i googled another statistic and read it aloud:.
Brokeback Watchtower
I'm sure there are lots of assemblies where nobody gets baptized, in that case they should skip the talk and just play a video recording of one of Anthony Morris 3rd tight pants rants.
Charity Transperency And Legal Requirements, Are Watchtower Days As A Charity Numbered?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini know the irs is doing something about it.. and what if a charity is approaching bankruptcy and fails to inform its members about, instead they put a deceptive spin on every thing they are selling ,.
and give them a single clue as to where their money is going especially if it is going to pay lawsuits it is involved in on a worldwide scale.
would that be a clear case of fraud and subject the perps to some prison time?
Brokeback Watchtower
Of course they are not rated as they are a religious organization but I feel the day is coming.
Highlights from Leaked Bethel Videos - part 7, statistics charts
by neat blue dog inhere's some stat charts featured in the bethel talks:.
Brokeback Watchtower
Thanks for the charts. They need to be more transparent.
Since they are a US based Charity I think the IRS is going to require more transparency then these "leaked" to the public videos in the future. Anyway just hoping because these guys are liars, about were the money is going and it would be a human kindness to require even religious charities the same transparency as regular charities to avoid defrauding the public, religion or not, all should be accountable to share with contributors where their money is going.
They have cut down all printed material and made a bunch of failed investments in projects they had to abandon. It would be a service to contributors to have a transparency so they can give with confidence or refuse to give to pay pedophile lawsuits,, it just fairness.
Charity Transperency And Legal Requirements, Are Watchtower Days As A Charity Numbered?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini know the irs is doing something about it.. and what if a charity is approaching bankruptcy and fails to inform its members about, instead they put a deceptive spin on every thing they are selling ,.
and give them a single clue as to where their money is going especially if it is going to pay lawsuits it is involved in on a worldwide scale.
would that be a clear case of fraud and subject the perps to some prison time?
Brokeback Watchtower
I think we may see a public disclosure of where the money when because WT corporation is a charity. I'm sure this thing is going on all over the world and all charities are being required to be more transparent as to where the money is going. That being the case I the WT is doomed as a charity.
Charity Transperency And Legal Requirements, Are Watchtower Days As A Charity Numbered?
by Brokeback Watchtower ini know the irs is doing something about it.. and what if a charity is approaching bankruptcy and fails to inform its members about, instead they put a deceptive spin on every thing they are selling ,.
and give them a single clue as to where their money is going especially if it is going to pay lawsuits it is involved in on a worldwide scale.
would that be a clear case of fraud and subject the perps to some prison time?
Brokeback Watchtower
I know the IRS is doing something about it.
And what if a charity is approaching bankruptcy and fails to inform its members about, instead they put a deceptive spin on every thing they are selling ,. and give them a single clue as to where their money is going especially if it is going to pay lawsuits it is involved in on a worldwide scale. Would that be a clear case of fraud and subject the perps to some prison time? I think the GB's denial of lawsuits, and paid gag orders is going to bite them in the ass big time in some cases of defrauding it's members money.
The Internal Revenue Service yesterday proposed a vast overhaul of the main tax form for charities, an effort to make it easier for the I.R.S. and the public to tell how much nonprofit groups are paying their executives and how much of their money goes toward fund-raising.
The proposed changes, to Form 990, also include separate schedules to help determine how much nonprofit hospitals actually spend on charity care and to provide more information about gifts of goods and services to charities.
Lois G. Lerner, director of the tax-exempt division of the I.R.S., said that although the revenue service had tinkered with the form from time to time to accommodate changes in laws and regulations, the last major revamping of it was more than 25 years ago.
May 1 2018 my Ayahuasca Experience
by new boy init has been over a year and a half since my last ceremony.
which was way to long.
my son came up from scottsdale for the ceremony.
Brokeback Watchtower
I like turtles
Why do you like turtles so much?